


污水主要工艺过程设计如下:医院医疗废水由排污管道汇总经经过一道格栅,去除水中较大的悬浮、漂浮物和带状物,上清液重力自流进入调节池,调节池调节污水的水量和水质。调节池出水提升进入A级生化池(缺氧池)和O级生化池(好氧池)进行生化处理。本工程污水中有机成份较高,BOD5/CODcr≈0.5,可生化性很好,因此采用生物处理方法大幅度降低污水中有机物含量是最经济的。由于污水中氨氮及有机物含量较高,特别是有机氮,在生物降解有机物时,有机氮会以氨氮形式表现出来,氨氮也是一个重要的污染控制指标,因此污水处理采用缺氧好氧A/O生物接触氧化工艺,即生化池需分为A级池和O级池两部分。在A级池内,由于污水中有机物浓度较高,微生物处于缺氧状态,此时微生物为兼性微生物,它们将污水中有机氮转化为氨氮,同时利用有机碳源作为电子供体,将NO2--N、NO3--N转化为N2,而且还利用部分有机碳源和氨氮合成新的细胞物质。所以A级池不仅具有一定的有机物去除功能,减轻后续O级生化池的有机负荷,以利于硝化作用进行,而且依靠污水中的高浓度有机物,完成反硝化作用,最终消除氮的富营养化污染。 Sewage main technological process design is as follows: the hospital medical waste water drainage pipeline summary by through a grating, larger suspension, floats, and water with ribbons, gravity artesian supernatant fluid into the regulation pool, regulating pool sewage water quantity and water quality. The adjustment pool is used to improve the flow of water into the a-level biochemical pool (the hypoxia pool) and the o-level biochemical pool (good oxygen pool) for biochemical treatment. Organic ingredients in sewage of this project is higher, BOD5 / CODcr material 0.5, biological sex is very good, so the slash organic matter content in the wastewater biological treatment method is the most economic. Due to ammonia nitrogen and organic matter content is higher in the wastewater, organic nitrogen, especially in the biological degradation of organic matter, organic nitrogen will be displayed in the form of ammonia nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen is an important part of the pollution control target, so sewage treatment by anaerobic aerobic biological contact oxidation of A/O process, namely the biochemical pool should be divided into class A pool and the level O pool. Within the class A pool, due to the high concentration of organic matter in sewage, anoxic condition, in the microbial organisms as facultative microorganisms, they are ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen in the wastewater can be converted to use organic carbon source at the same time as electron donor, converting the NO2 -- N and NO3 -- N to N2, and use part of the organic carbon source and ammonia synthesis of new cellular material. So A level pool not only have A certain amount of organic matter removal function, reduce the subsequent biochemical pool of O level organic load, aiming to nitrification, and rely on high concentrations of organic matter in sewage, complete denitrification, eventually eliminate eutrophication pollution of nitrogen.


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