


First: keep the equipment clean, dry, no oil, no leakage.
Second: check the operation sound of the centrifugal pump is normal every day, there is no vibration and leakage, find problems in time to deal with.
Third: it is appropriate to check the oil level in the oil chamber of the centrifugal pump suspension every day. It must be kept at the 1/3 and 2/3 of the oil mark.
第四: 严禁离心泵在水池(桶)中的液体被抽空的状态下工作,因为离心泵在抽空状态下工作不但振动剧烈,而且还会影响泵的寿命,因此,一定要特别注意。
Fourth: strictly prohibit the centrifugal pump in the pool (barrel) of the liquid is evacuated state work, because the centrifugal pump in the evacuation state not only vibrates, but also affects the life of the pump, therefore, we must pay special attention to it.
第五: 离心泵内严禁进入金属物体以及胶皮、棉纱、塑料布之类习柔性物质,以免破坏水泵的过流部件及堵塞叶轮流道,使泵不能正常工作。
Fifth: centrifugal pump is strictly prohibited from entering metal objects and flexible materials such as rubber, cotton yarn and plastic cloth, so as not to destroy the overflowing parts of the pump and to block the impeller passage, so that the pump can not work normally.


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版权 © 唐山XXXXX机电工程有限公司 网址:feishui.37ix.com.cn  推荐:唐山通风管道,唐山风管加工,唐山白铁皮管道

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