


Physical methods include sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, extraction, and so on, without changing the chemical form of pollutants. The equipment is simple, the operation cost is low, and the process is mature. It is mainly used for removing the large particles of refractory pollutants in the water. It is the preferred technology for the primary treatment of sewage.
多年来,科学家利用水体自净及土壤自净的原理,开发出了各种利用自然微生物处理工业废水及城市污水的技术,集中分布于活性污泥法和生物膜法两大系列。 现行污水处理技术主要可分为物理法、化学法和生物法。
Over the years, scientists have developed various techniques for treating industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater using natural microorganisms based on the principles of water self-purification and soil self-purification, which are mainly distributed in two series: activated sludge process and biofilm process. Current sewage treatment technologies can be divided into physical, chemical and biological methods.
Physical methods include sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, extraction, and so on, without changing the chemical form of pollutants. The equipment is simple, the operation cost is low, and the process is mature. It is mainly used for removing the large particles of refractory pollutants in the water. It is the preferred technology for the primary treatment of sewage.
Chemical methods include flocculating precipitation and chemical oxidation, changing the existing form of pollutants, mainly used to remove small particles dissolved in water, through electrical changes, cross-linking bridges and other forms, so that it becomes a large particle precipitation separation. It is widely used for pretreatment and deep treatment of waste water. There are high-difficulty waste water need to be treated units, but also to the Sewage Treasure Project Service Platform consulting with similar sewage treatment experience of enterprises.
Biological method is the original form of using nature to treat wastewater, using microbial metabolism to achieve the purpose of water purification. There are three types of microbial metabolic environment: aerobic, anaerobic and facultative, which also derive aerobic and anaerobic treatment methods. Biological method is mainly used for the two stage treatment or advanced treatment of sewage, and is the main form of sewage treatment at present.
The electronic flocculation system mainly includes: electronic flocculator, centrifugal clarification reactor, multi-media filtration system, control system and so on.


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