


Pulping and papermaking waste a lot of waste water. The wastewater produced by pulping is the most polluted. Wastewater discharged during pulp washing is black-brown, which is called black water. The concentration of pollutants in black water is very high. BOD is as high as 5-40g/L. It contains a lot of fibers, inorganic salts and pigments. Waste water from bleaching process also contains a lot of acid and alkali substances. The waste water discharged from paper machine is called white water, which contains a lot of fibers and fillers and adhesives added in the production process. Two
Paper industry is a serious environmental pollution industry. The production process of pulping and papermaking consumes a lot of water. Paper sewage mainly comes from the two production processes of pulping and papermaking.
1, pulping is the separation of fiber from plant material, making slurry, bleaching pulp.
2, papermaking is to dilute, shape, press, dry, copy, and process pulp.
Papermaking wastewater treatment process and waste liquid utilization are the key to solve the pollution problem in the whole paper industry. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the national economy, the environmental protection is constantly increasing. The total amount control policy is strictly applied to heavy pollution industries such as pulp and paper making, printing and dyeing, electroplating, etc. The national environmental protection policy advocates clean production technology and circular economy policy.


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