


Industrial wastewater includes production wastewater, production wastewater and cooling water. It refers to wastewater and waste liquid produced in industrial production process, which contains industrial production materials, intermediate products, by-products and pollutants produced in production process. There are many kinds of industrial wastewater with complex components. For example, the wastewater of electrolytic salt industry contains mercury, the wastewater of heavy metal smelting industry contains lead, cadmium and other metals, the wastewater of electroplating industry contains cyanide and chromium and other heavy metals, the wastewater of petroleum refining industry contains phenols, and the wastewater of pesticide manufacturing industry contains various pesticides. Because industrial wastewater often contains many kinds of toxic substances, polluting the environment is very harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to develop comprehensive utilization and turn harm into benefit. According to the composition and concentration of pollutants in wastewater, appropriate purification measures can be taken to dispose of them before they are discharged.


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