Wastewater should be discharged from the four processes of printing and dyeing. In the pretreatment stage (including singeing, desizing, boiling, bleaching and mercerizing), desizing, boiling, bleaching and qinhuangd.37ix.com.cncangzhou.37ix.com.cn xiongan.37ix.com.cnshijiazh.37ix.com.cnbaoding.37ix.com.cnzhengding.37ix.com.cnmercerizing wastewater should be discharged. In the dyeing process, dyeing wastewater should be discharged. In the printing process, printing wastewater and soap liquid wastewater should be discharged. In the finishing process, finishing wastewater should be discharged. Printing and dyeing wastewater is a kind of mixed wastewater or comprehensive wastewater except bleaching wastewater.