


Among the water pollution caused by human production activities, water pollution caused by industry is the most serious. For example, industrial wastewater, which contains many pollutants and complex components, is not only difficult to purify in water, but also difficult to treat.
Industrial wastewater is the most important cause of water pollution caused by industrial pollution. It accounts for most of the pollutants discharged by industry. The pollutants contained in industrial wastewater vary greatly according to the types of factories. Even in similar factories, the quality and quantity of pollutants are different due to the different production processes. In addition to the pollution caused by the direct injection of industrial waste water into the water body, solid waste and waste gas also pollute the water body.
Agricultural pollution is first caused by the loosening of the land surface caused by cultivation or reclamation. When the soil and topography are not stable, a large amount of sediment flows into the water, increasing the suspended matter in the water.
Another important reason is the increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers, while only a small amount of pesticides and fertilizers are adsorbed or absorbed, and most of the remaining residues are in the soil and floating in the atmosphere, through rainfall, through the erosion of surface runoff into surface water and infiltration into surface water to form pollution.
Urban pollution sources are caused by urban population concentration and water pollution caused by qingxiji.89ix.comdipingy.89ix.commojuhpz.37ix.com.cnmojusn.37ix.com.cn zhagun.37ix.com.cnwantoun.37ix.com.cnurban domestic sewage, garbage and exhaust gas. Urban pollution sources are mainly domestic sewage, which is a mixture of various sewage produced in people's daily life, including sewage discharged from kitchen, washing room, bathroom and toilet.
In the world, industrial and domestic wastewater discharged in urban areas alone can reach up to 500 cubic kilometers a year, and every drop of wastewater will pollute water bodies several or even tens of times.


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