


In industrial wastewater such as domestic sewage, food processing and papermaking, there are organic substances such as carbohydrate, protein, oil, lignin and so on.
These substances are suspended or dissolved in sewage, which can reduce dissolved oxygen in water and affect the growth of fish and other aquatic organisms. When dissolved oxygen in water is fangpaow.89ix.comgangbanw.89ix.comsangna.89ix.comwenquan.89ix.comdepleted, organic matter is anaerobically decomposed to produce unpleasant odors such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and musiban.89ix.comshilongw.89ix.commercaptan, which further deteriorates the water quality. The composition of organic matter in water is very complex. Oxygen consumption in biochemical decomposition of Oxygen Consumption Organic Matter in unit volume water is usually expressed in unit mg/L.
一般用化学需氧量,即COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand)表示,是以化学方法测量水样中需要被氧化的还原性物质的量。
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is commonly used to measure the amount of reductive substances that need to be oxidized in water samples by chemical methods.
Some of them can be decomposed by the biochemical action of microorganisms called biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Normally, BOD5 is expressed at 20 C for five days.


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