


The biodegradability of printing and dyeing wastewater is poor and decolorization is difficult. The decolorization effect of printing and dyeing wastewater is one of the key indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of wastewater treatment methods. The commonly used treatment methods are flocculation, flocculation and biochemical regeneration. The project covers a large area, the process is long, the cost of capital construction and operation is high, and the treatment effect is unstable. Because the current dyeing medium is mainly water, most dyes are easily soluble in water, and because the molecular weight of dyes is large, most of them are water-soluble. Dyes can form hydrophilic colloids in water, which makes the conventional decolorization of printing and dyeing wastewater very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt more economical and effective decolorization methods and treatment technology of printing and dyeing wastewater to remove biodegradable organic matter.


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