


If these wastewater is discharged directly without treatment, it will cause serious harm. Printing and dyeing wastewater is alkaline. For example, the pH value of sulfur dye wastewater is over 10, which seriously endangers the water environment. The dyeing agent contained in printing and dyeing wastewater makes the water turbid and affects the normal photosynthesis of aquatic plants, greatly reduces dissolved oxygen in the water and endangers the survival of aquatic animals and plants.
If the wastewater contains toxic and harmful substances, which are discharged directly without treatment, pollute animals and plants, spread through the food chain and endanger the human body, and even lead to the death of aquatic animals and plants, causing adverse effects on the environment and destroying the normal ecological environment.
Printing and dyeing wastewater is harmful. It is suggested to seek professional environmental protection companies for consultation and choose reasonable and affordable schemes for wastewater treatment, which can be reused or discharged after meeting the standards.


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