


The Ao biological treatment process in the "integrated wastewater treatment equipment" adopts the push flow biological contact oxidation tank, and its treatment effect is better than that of the completely mixed or two or three-stage series connection biological contact oxidation tank. Moreover, it is smaller than the active sludge pond, has strong adaptability to water quality, good impact resistance, stable effluent water quality and no sludge expansion. At the same time, a new type of elastic solid filler is used in the biological contact oxidation tank. It has a large specific surface area, and it is convenient for microorganism to hang and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load condition, it has a higher removal rate of organic matter than other fillers, and it can improve the solubility of oxygen in air in water.
产废泥量少 90天排一次泥
Waste mud less than 90 days
Because the "integrated wastewater treatment equipment" uses biological contact oxidation tank in Ao biological treatment process, the volume load of its filler is relatively low, and the microorganism is in its own oxidation stage, so the sludge production is less. In addition, the water content of the sludge produced by the biological contact oxidation tank is far lower than that produced by the active sludge tank. Therefore, the amount of waste sludge produced by the "integrated wastewater treatment equipment" is less, generally only about 90 days to discharge sludge.


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