


Grid well - regulating tank - sewage treatment equipment (including air flotation tank - anoxic tank - contact oxidation tank - secondary sedimentation tank) - discharge.
2.1 grid well: the steel grid is set in the grid well in front of the regulating pool to intercept the suspended solids with large particles of domestic sewage and ensure the normal operation of subsequent equipment.
2.2 regulating tank: since the water quality and quantity of sewage vary greatly, it is necessary to set up a regulating tank for regulation to ensure the continuous and stable operation of the equipment.
2.3 sewage treatment equipment:
2.4 the main function of the air flotation tank is to remove the floating liquid level of most impurities in the sewage through the slag scraper through the aerator. Provide conditions for subsequent sewage treatment;
2.5 contact oxidation tank is the core equipment in sewage treatment. After sewage enters the oxidation tank, it contacts with the microorganism in the oxidation tank. The oxygen demand in the microbial fermentation process is supplied by the blower. The microorganism in the tank oxidizes and decomposes the organics in the sewage, provides nutrition and energy for its reproduction and growth, and reduces the COD concentration in the sewage;
2.6 secondary sedimentation tank: the sewage flows into the secondary sedimentation tank after it comes out of the contact oxidation tank. The main function of the secondary sedimentation tank is to remove a small amount of sludge from the contact oxidation tank. After sedimentation in the secondary sedimentation tank, most of the sludge flows back to the biological contact oxidation tank;


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