


Air duct processing
Select appropriate materials according to the size of the long side of the air duct. Make according to the correct setting out.
When flanging the air duct, a margin of not less than 6mm shall be reserved for the flanging. The flanging cannot cover the bolt hole. The undercut edge shall be chamfered or chamfered with scissors without cracking to form an arc flanging. If the four corners of the flanging are cracked, tin welding or sealant shall be used to fill it. When the thickness of the air duct plate is less than 1.2mm, joint angle or snap fit can be used to prevent air duct leakage. When the thickness is more than 1.2mm, welding can be used.
After the air duct is formed, it shall be riveted to the flange. The distance between the rivet and the air duct wall shall not be greater than 50mm, and the distance between the rivets shall not be greater than 150mm.
When the long side of rectangular air duct is greater than 630mm (insulation air duct is greater than 800mm), the size of the long side is greater than 1250mm, or the area of one side of low pressure air duct is greater than 1.2m2, and the area of medium and high pressure air duct is greater than 1.0m2, reinforcement measures must be taken.
圆形风管(不包括螺旋保定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材风管)直径≥800mm,且其管段长度大于1250mm或总表面积大于4㎡时必须采取加固措施。
When the diameter of round air duct (excluding spiral air duct) is ≥ 800mm, and the length of its pipe section is greater than 1250mm or the total surface area is greater than 4 m2, reinforcement measures must be taken.
The side length of air duct is ≥ 630mm, L ≥ 1250mm, and the angle iron of reinforcement frame of non thermal insulation air duct can be 1 size smaller than the angle iron of flange.


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